Friday, August 12, 2011

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Premiership Najava sezone

Smatram da će ove sezone samo dve ekipe biti u trci za titulom. Tu mislim na dva kluba iz Masnčestera naravno no ako L. Modrić potpiše za Čelzi onda ne treba otpisati ni ekipu trenera Viljaš Boaša.
Za sada ću se kladiti na M. Siti da osvoji prvenstvo. Po meni će to biti otvorena borba između Junajteda i Sitija ali je mnogo bolja kvota ponuđena na ekipu Sitija (5.00).

Dovođenje Kun Aguera će ispasti sjajan potez baš kao što je bilo dovođenje D. Silve prošle sezone. Nadam se da će se Siti otarasiti nezadovoljnog Balotelija a možda bi im bilo bolje i bez Teveza pogotovo sada kada je Aguero došao u klub. Tevez je odigrao nekoliko sjajnih utakmica u dresu Sitija ali nezadovoljna lica u svlačionici nikada nisu donela ništa dobro. Očekujem da igrač sredine terena Arsenala Nasri pređe u Siti. Šta kažete na to!

M. Junajted će biti ekipa koju treba pobediti ali su oni po meni postavljeni za isuviše velike favorite. Ešli Jang će biti odlično pojačanje za Junajted, Nani je blizu nivoa K. Ronalda a igrači kao što su F. Džons, D. Velbek i T. Kleverli bi trebali da se probiju ove sezone.
Junajted deluje perfektno ali i M. Siti takođe.

Čelzi je bio spor i pomalo predvidljiv prošle sezone. Gledao sam ih kada su se poigravali sa A. Vilom u prijateljskom meču nedavno a to je bilo kao da gledate neku novu ekipu. Bilo je zadovoljstvo gledati ih kako se dodaju. Da li su oni već u ranoj fazi sezone u dobroj formi, kao prošle sezone, ili je Viljaš Boaš već sada pozitivno uticao na svoju novu ekipu? Razumem zašto oni žele da dovedu L. Modrića. Čelziju treba brzina i kretanje a Modrić ima oba ova kvaliteta. Obratite pažnju na D. Staridža ove sezone. On je već počeo redovno da postiže golove. Igrač o kome se mnogo priča, Lukaku, mladi napadač Anderlehta, je došao u klub.

Liverpul je odmah iza njih. Č. Adam i S. Dauning, dva krilna igrača, su pojačali Liverpul a ja mislim da će Kerol imati puno posla u šesnaestercu sa tim igračima po krilima. Da li se to samo meni čini ili će Liverpul igrati stari Engleski fudbal? Znate ono sa dugim loptama u šesnaesterac ili će to biti samo jedna od alternativa? S. Džerard se vraća na teren u septembru. Sredina terena i napad im deluju sjajno ali je odbrana Liverpula njihova slaba tačka. A nemam ni mnogo pouzdanja u K. Dalgliša na ovom nivou igre. U sastav Liverpula je došao i odbrambeni igrač H. Enrike. On je došao iz Njukasla. Da li je sada odbrana bolja? Liverpul će verovatno biti četvrti.

Totenhem će biti peti a Arsenal šesti.
Totenhem ne igra u Ligi šampiona ove sezone a trener Rednep će moći 100% da se koncentriše na Premijer ligu. Kada su svi njihovi ključni igrači spremni ofanzivna linija Totenhema je među najboljima u ligi.
Prodajte ga! Pustite Fabregasa već jednom. On je uglavnom bio povređen i/ili beskoristan prošle sezone a on neće biti od koristi Arsenalu ni u budućnosti. Kupite nekog čvrstog igrača! Tu mislim na fizički jakog igrača sredine terena kao iskusnog centralnog odbrambenog igrača.
Ne, umesto toga je Venger doveo još jednog tinejdžera, Okslejd Čemberlena iz Sautemptona. Igrač za budućnost? Fabregas će konačno otići. Hvala na tim lepim vestima. Šteta je što izgleda da i Nasri odlazi.
Ja, iako sam navijač Arsenala, sam digao ruke od Arsenala.

Everton ima jaku startnu postavu ali oni neće dobro proći ako se neki igrači povrede, Sanderlend je doveo dobre igrače a A. Vila, bez E. Janga i Dauninga ali sa N'Zogbijom, ima još para za trošenje.
Ta tri tima bi trebala da imaju dobru sezonu.

U Fulam se možete uzdati, kao i u Stouk, iako sam očekivao da će oni dovesti više igrača. Trenutno su samo odbrambeni igrači Vudgejt i M. Apson došli u Stouk.
Bolton je ostao bez igrača koji su postigli većinu njihovih golova (40%), Staridž i Elmander, a Njukasl deluje sve samo ne sigurno.

Zajedno sa VBA-om, Blekburnom, Vulvsima i tri novajlije, oni bi mogli da se nađu u borbi za opstanak u maju.
Moji favoriti za ispadanje su Vigan, Vulvsi i KPR.

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The Premiership Round 1 - Najava

Blackburn - Wolves

U poslednjem kolu u sezoni 2010/11 Blekburn je igrao odlučujući meč u gostima protiv Vulvsa, meč je bio odlučlujući za obe ekipe. Blekburn je poveo sa 3-0 i pobedio sa 3-2, ali su Vulvsi opstali u Premijer ligi uprkos tom porazu na domaćem terenu.
Logično bi bilo da Blekburn pobedi na sutrašnjem meču ali ja nemam poverenja u njih. A nemam poverenja ni u Vulvse.
Moram da kažem da ne znam ništa o novom napadaču Blekburna D. Gudviliju. Primetio sam da je on igrao za reprezentaciju Škotske protiv Danske. Igrač sredine terena, mladi Srbin Petrović, je došao u klub iz Partizana ali je Kalinić napustio klub.
Za Blekburn najverovatnije neće igrati krupni odbrambeni igrač Samba. To je uvek loše za njih kada on ne igra.
K. Dojl je ponovo povređen ali prema poslednjim vestima napadač Vulvsa ima 70% šanse da zaigra sutra. S. Flečer ili Ibenks-Blejk su na čekanju. Novi odbrambeni igrač R. Džonson će debitovati u prvenstvu za Vulvse sutra.
Blekburn je postigao šest golova na dva meča protiv Vulvsa prošle sezone no ja dosta sumnjam u njihov napad na ovom meču.

Fulham - Aston Villa

Fulam je u prednosti. Oni su već odigrali četiri takmičarska meča u Europa ligi i oni bi trebali da su u boljoj formi pred ovaj prvi meč. Fulam ima novog trenera, M. Jola, ali je tu u suštini ista grupa igrača kao prošle sezone. Fulam uvek uživa u igri na svom Krejven Kotedžu.
A. Vila takođe ima novog trenera, MekLiša, što je jako čudan izbor po meni. Bez sjajnih E. Janga i Dauninga oni trenutno deluju oslabljeno iako su doveli N'Zogbiju.
A. Vila je imala tešku prošlu sezonu i ja mislim da će oni izgubiti sutra. Pobeda Fulama.

Liverpool - Sunderland

Bez S. Džerarda i L. Suareza, ali sa nova dva krila, Adamom i Dauningom, plus bivšim igračem Sanderlenda Hendersonom, Liverpul je postao isuviše veliki favorit na ovom meču.
Sanderlend nije toliko loša ekipa a kao i uvek trener Sanderlenda je doveo nekoliko pametnih pojačanja.
S. Larson i K. Gardner, dva apsolutno ključna igrača Birmingema prošle sezone, su došli u klub kao i napadač Ipsviča K. Vikam. Meni se sviđa i D. Von, krilo Blekpula, koji je takođe prešao u klub sa severa zemlje. S. Larson? Niko u Premijer ligi nema takve centaršuteve kao ovaj Šveđanin. Za Sanderlend na ovom meču neće igrati bivši odbrambeni igrač M. Junajteda O'Šej ali će V. Braun igrati.
H. Enrike je i zvanično prešao u Liverpul iz Njukasla.
Ne mogu da se opredelim za ovako slabu kvotu ponuđenu za pobedu domaćina.

Q P R - Bolton 

Moj izbor će biti pobeda domaćina. Ne mogu da zanemarim činjenicu da su i Staridž i Elmander napustili Bolton. Oni su postigli većinu njihovih golova prošle sezone (40%).
Niša ne fali K. Dejvisu no on više ne postiže golove kao nekada. Li je povređen kao i T. Mirs a novi igrač, Tunčaj Šanli, neće igrati na sutrašnjem meču.
KPR je uspeo da zadrži A. Tarabta a doveli su napadača Dž. Botrojda koji je potencijalni reprezentativac Engleske. Pa on već ima jedan nastup za reprezentaciju.
Bolton će verovatno pojačati ofanzivnu liniju no nema ništa teže od pronalaženja čvrstog napadača. Tunčaju ništa ne fali no po meni on nije istureni napadač. Opredeliću se za KPR za sada.

Wigan - Norwich

Prvi meč Vigana u prvenstvu? Može biti završen rezultatom 0-4 ili 4-0, nikad se ne zna sa ovom ekipom Vigana kako će započeti sezonu. Činjenica je da su oni prodali najboljeg ofanzivnog igrača N'Zogbiju. Još jedan ključni igrač iz prošle sezone, Kleverli, se naravno vratio u M. Junajted. Rodaljega je ostao u klubu a možda će ove sezone i V. Mouzis pokazati koliko stvarno vredi. Alkaraz i Dž. MekKarti neće igrati sutra.
Iako je Norvič zasluženo ušao u Premijer ligu ja ipak mislim da njihov sastav deluje kao prosečna ekipa iz Čempionšipa. Možda grešim no to je moje mišljenje.
Ovo može da zvuči kontradiktorno ali bih se na ovom meču opredelio za pobedu gostiju. Novajlije znaju dobro da započnu sezonu. Pobeda Norviča.

Newcastle - Arsenal

Možda su stvari krenule nizbrdo za Arsenal prošle sezone kada su vodili sa 4-0 i na kraju odigrali 4-4 na Sent Džems Parku.
Ne znam šta da mislim o sastavu Njukasla.
Demba Ba je došao iz Vest Hema. On je delovao dobro prošle sezone. Obertan je došao u klub kao i Marvo i Kabaje, svi oni su Francuzi. Ben Arfa se još uvek nije oporavio a Enrike je napustio klub. Imam utisak da trener Pardju neće uvrstiti Bartona u sastav sutra. Preostaje nam da vidimo šta će trener Pardju uraditi sa svim ovim strancima. Siguran sam da je to pomalo komplikovano.
Okslejd-Čemberlen i Žervinjo su spremni da zaigraju za Arsenal ali Fabregas, Nasri, Koščielni, Volkot i Vilšir neće igrati.
Njukaslu sigurno treba vremena da bi počeli da funkcionišu kao tim tako da bi Arsenal trebao da iskoristi te okolnosti. Pobeda gostiju.

Stoke - Chelsea

Stouk je tek pre nekoliko dana doveo prvo pojačanje. M. Apson je došao iz Vest Hema u Stouk. Izvinjavam se, zaboravio sam i na Vudgejta.
Čelzi je delovao jako dobro protiv A. Vile u finalu nekog kupa na pripremama a njihova kontrola lopte se dosta popravila. D. Staridž će možda češće igrati u napadu.
Čelzi bi trebao da pobedi na ovom meču ali se ne vredi kladiti na ponuđenu kvotu.

W B A - Manchester U

Šejn Long, napadač Redinga, je novi igrač VBA-a. To je pametno pojačanje a ja se radujem gledanju Odemvingija i Longa u napadu VBA-a.
Trener Hodžson će morati da razmisli o slaboj odbrani. VBA prošle sezone nikako nije uspevao da sačuva svoju mrežu. Za VBA sutra najverovatnije neće igrati povređeni odbrambeni igrač S. Rid ali bi Mulumbu i Odemvingi trebali da igraju.
Kada su Ferdinand i Vidić izašli iz igre pri rezultatu 0-2 u meču Komjuniti šilda mislio sam da je sve gotovo za M. Junajted. Ponovo sam pogrešio jer je Junajted, sa nekoliko mladih igrača u sastavu, posle 90 minuta pobedio sa 3-2.
Svi smo bili impresionirani, zar ne?
Ne odgovara mi kvota 1.55 za pobedu gostiju. Morate da se setite da M. Junajted nije pobedio na mnogo gostovanja prošle sezone. Ne mogu da se opredelim ni za pobedu domaćina. Bez opklade ili ću se kladiti na 3+.

Manchester C - Swansea

Moguće je da ćemo videti Aguera i/ili Teveza na ovom meču. Nijedan od ove dve zvezde Sitija nije igrao protiv M. Junajteda. Baloteli je bio jako loš u prvom poluvremenu pa se pitam da li se Sitiju uopšte isplati da on igra. Ponekad, isuviše često, on jednostavno uopšte ne učestvuje u igri.
Liroj Lita i D. Grejam, novi igrači, će najverovatnije igrati u napadu od početka meča za Svonzi. Nastup kapitena Manka je veoma neizvestan usled povrede. Možda je Svonzi novajlija sa najboljim napadačkim tandemom.
Verovatna pobeda domaćina naravno ali kome treba kvota 1.30!

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The Championship Round 2 Najava

Leicester - Reading

Kladiću se na pobedu domaćina. Revolucija u ekipi Lestera je počela na najbolji mogući način kada su oni prošle nedelje pobedili na gostovanju u Koventriju. Sa tri nova odbrambena igrača u postavi, M. Milsom, Končeskim i L. Peltijeom, to je bila mnogo bolja igra odbrane Lestera a Koventri skoro da im nije pripretio.
Tokom nedelje je dosta izmenjena postava Lestera nadigrala Roteram u kupu. Tinejdž senzacija Šlup je postigao hettrik za Lester. Možda će Šlup i sutra dobiti priliku da provede neko vreme na terenu. Peltije će propustiti ovaj meč. Kolega iz odbrane Pentsil ili St. Ledžer će ga zameniti. Veteran D. Vasel je suspendovan za sutrašnji meč.
Reding je prodao najboljeg odbrambenog igrača, M. Milsa (u Lester) a prodali su i svog najboljeg napadača Š. Longa (u VBA). Teb i Čurč će propustiti sutrašnji meč. M. Manset je došao umesto Longa.
Lester se mučio protiv Redinga poslednjih godina ali ja mislim da su se stvari preokrenule u korist Lestera. Pobeda domaćina.

Doncaster - West Ham

Kladiću se protiv nesrećnog Donkastera. Kažem nesrećnog zato što se oni već nalaze u velikoj krizi zbog velikog broja povređenih igrača. Oba napadača, Šarp i Hejter, su se povredili na gostovanju Brajtonu prošle nedelje kao i odbrambeni igrač Mejson. Niko od njih neće igrati sutra a oni imaju još sedam povređenih igrača.
Vest Hemu je nedostajala oštrina protiv Kardifa prošle nedelje. Da li su oni malo zarđali? Moram da kažem da su oni delovali dosta jako na papiru a siguran sam da će činjenica da su za klasu superiorniji od svojih protivnika rešiti ovaj meč u njihovu korist. Skot Parker će biti svež jer je meč reprezentacije Engleske tokom nedelje odložen.
Fober je ponovo na raspolaganju za ovaj meč ali novi igrači, Kerju i G. MekKartni neće igrati.
Pobeda gostiju.

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French league Round 2 - Najava

Auxerre - Olympique Marseille

Po meni će biti pobeda gostiju. Marsej je odigrao samo 2-2 na svom terenu sa Sošoom u prvom meču u sezoni. Oni su delovali jako dobro prvih sat vremena ali su se onda pogubili. Čudno je da su oni i prošle sezone bili pouzdaniji na mečevima u gostima nego na svom terenu a ja ću se držati svoje navike iz prošle sezone i kladiću se na ekipu trenera Dešampa na gostovanjima.
A. Diara i Amalfitano, dva takozvana bolja pojačanja, će igrati za Marsej ali je Žinjak povređen. Lučo Gonzalez je delovao sjajno prošle nedelje.
Okser je ostao bez ključnih igrača kao što su Pedreti, Jelen, Kuersija i Minjo a njih nije lako zameniti. Okser je pomalo nesrećno izgubio sa 1-3 od Monpeljea ali će u nedelju morati da imaju puno sreće kako bi izvukli nešto iz ovog meča. Po poslednjim vestima će najbolji igrač sredine terena Oksera N'Dinga preći u Lion. Još uvek ništa nije definitivno.
Pobeda gostiju.

Sochaux-Montbeliard - Caen

Pobeda domaćina. Sošo je ostavio impresivan utisak protiv Marseja tako da se nije ni primetilo da je I. Braun otišao. Ovaj napadač je za velike pare prešao u D. Kijev.
Breše će propustiti ovaj meč ali su Karlao, Mikari i Rišer svi spremni. D. Sože bi trebao da se vrati u postavu za ovaj meč. Obratite pažnju na igrača sredine terena M. Martina, on će postati standardni reprezentativac Frnacuske vrlo skoro.
Iskusni napadač Frau je novi igrač Kaena i on je debitovao prošle nedelje kada je njegova ekipa pobedila Valensijen sa 1-0. Gosti su imali veći posed lopte.
Sošo, jedna od tradicionalno pouzdanih ekipa na svom terenu u Francuskoj će imati moju podršku na ovom meču. Sošo inače nikada nije izgubio od Kaena na svom terenu (8-3-0).

Rennais - Paris Saint Germain

Ako PSŽ izgubi na jako teškom gostovanju Renu onda će njihov trener najverovatnije biti zamenjen K. Anćelotijem. Imam utisak da će se to i desiti.
PSŽ uopšte nije delovao dobro prošle nedelje a oni ne vole da gostuju Renu. Oni su poraženi na poslednjih pet gostovanja a Ren je ostavio impresivan utisak u prvom meču ove sezone prošle nedelje. Kvota za pobedu Rena je 2.85.

Lorient - Girondins Bordeaux

Nemojte da mislite da je Lorijen imao sreće što je pobedio PSŽ prošle nedelje. Oni su propustili sjajnu priliku u prvom poluvremenu, promašili su prazan gol, a Lorijen je jednostavno bio mnogo bolji od PSŽ-a na tom meču.
Lorijen je pobedio Bordo sa 5-1 prošle sezone i oni bi trebali da su u dobroj prilici da zabeleže pobedu i sutra. Kvota za pobedu domaćina je 2.51.

Ligue 1 Preview: Round 2

FC LorientFC Lorient - Bordeaux 
  • FC Lorient opened their Ligue 1 campaign in the best possible fashion, winning 1-0 away to nouveau-riche PSG at the Parc des Princes.
  • Bordeaux started life under coach Francois Gillot with a home defeat to Saint Etienne. Les Girondins went down 2-1 to Les Verts on Sunday evening.
  • Six of the last seven league matches to take place at Stade du Moustoir have ended in a stalemate,
  • This fixture last season ended in a resounding 5-1 victory for Lorient, with Kevin Gameiro netting a hat-trick. Both sides finished with 10 men, with Les Girondins losing goalkeeper Cedric Carrasso.

FC Lorient

Christian Gourcuff has no injury worries to mull over for the visit of Bordeaux. Les Merlus came through their shock win over PSG unscathed.


Francois Gillot has a few injury and suspension problems in the squad. Defender Marc Planus, midfielder Fahid Ben Khalfallah and striker David Bellion are all doubts and Florian Manage is suspended for this encounter.

Lyon - AC AjaccioAC Ajaccio
  • Remi Garde began his tenure as Lyon manager with a 3-1 win away to OGC Nice. Goals from Lisandro Lopez, Bafetimbi Gomis and Maxime Gonalons secured the win.
  • AC Ajaccio began life back in the top-flight with a 2-0 defeat to Toulouse last weekend.
  • Olivier Pantaloni's men have lost all of their 10 trips to the Stade de Gerland in the top flight.
  • Lyon are unbeaten in their last 15 home games in Ligue 1.

Olympique Lyon

Miralem Pjanic resumed training after a knock in pre-season, yet the midfielder still remains doubtful of an apperance this weekend. Yoann Gourcuff and Ederson are ruled out of contention.

AC Ajaccio

New signings Ilan and Damien Tiberi could be in line to make their first starts for the club. Olivier Pantaloni has no such injury concerns to deal with.

Stade Rennais FCRennes - Paris Saint-GermainPSG
  • Rennes opened their league campaign with a convincing 5-1 victory over promoted Dijon. The four goal victory meant that Les Rouge et Noir shot to the top of the table.
  • PSG suffered a shock home defeat in front of their expectant fans last Saturday. Les Parisiens, who paraded star signing Javier Pastore at the game, succumbed 1-0 to Lorient.
  • PSG have lost their last five trips to Stade de Route de la Lorient.
  • Frederic Antoinetti's men have scored 12 goals in their three competitive games - a ratio of four per game.

Stade Rennes

Frederic Antoinetti has Vincent Pajot, Onyekachi Apam, Chris Mavinga and Jires Kembo-Ekoko all on the sidelines. No further team news reported from the Rennes camp.

Paris Saint-Germain

Nicholas Douchez is still recovering from an ankle injury, but the goalkeeper, who moved from Rennes this summer is expected to be back for next weekend. Mohamed Sissoko and Sylvain Armand are also in the treatment room. New signing Javier Pastore has a small chance of making his league debut but is still low on fitness following his move from Palermo.

AS Saint-EtienneSaint-Etienne - Nancy
  • Saint Etienne began their 2011-12 Ligue 1 campaign with an efficient 2-1 win away to Bordeaux last weekend.
  • Nancy began started their season in convincing fashion, holding the league champions Lille to a 1-1 draw at Stade Marcel Picot.
  • St Etienne are unbeaten in their last seven league meetings against ASNL.
  • Jean Fernandez's men are unbeaten in their last five league matches, winning three and drawing two.


Christophe Galtier has two long-term injury worries. Alejandro Alonso and Yoann Andreu (knee) are out until December. Paulao and Albin Ebondo are also out of contention for the visit of Nancy.


Jean Fernandez has no pressing injury concerns, with Marama Vahirua welcomed back from injury.

FC SochauxSochaux - Caen 
  • Sochaux started their league campaign with a spirited 2-2 draw away to giants Marseille last weekend.
  • Caen began their season with a 1-0 win over Valenciennes, Gregory Proment scoring the only goal.
  • Caen have never won at Stade Auguste Bonal in Ligue 1.
  • Sochaux have prevailed in their last five home encounters.


Mehmed Bazdarevic has a deepening defensive problem, with three members of the Les Lionceaux rearguard ruled out of Saturday's encounter. David Sauget, Jeremie Brechet and Steven Mouykolo are all on the treatment table, along with Vaclav Sverkos.


Benjamin Morel and Gregory Tafforeau are ruled out of the trip to Sochaux. 16-year old-striker M'Baye Niang is suspended for the match but there are no other pressing injury concerns for Franck Dumas to mull over.

Toulouse FCToulouse - DijonDijon FCO
  • Toulouse opened their league campaign with a 2-0 win over promoted Ajaccio.
  • Dijon were given a harsh lesson in their first ever Ligue 1 game, being overwhelmed 5-1 by Stade Rennes.
  • Toulouse have won their last three Ligue 1 matches, by a 2-0 scoreline.
  • Patrice Carteron's side are yet to taste victory over Le Tefece.


Daniel Braaten remains doubtful for this match having picked up an adductor strain. Fellow midfielder Etienne Didot's participation for the game is also in doubt, with the Frenchman struggling to overcome muscle pain.

Dijon FCO

No new injury worries for Patrice Carteron's side.

Valenciennes - Stade Brestois
  • Valenciennes went down 1-0 to Caen in their opening Ligue 1 fixture of the season.
  • Stade Brestois were held to a disappointing 2-2 draw against promoted side Evian last weekend.
  • Valenciennes have yet to lose at home in Ligue 1 in 2011.
  • None of the six Ligue 1 encounters between Valenciennes and Brest have ended in a draw.


Daniel Sanchez has three players out with injury. Forward Vincent Aboubakar, defender Rafael Schmitz and goalkeeper Jean-Louis Leca will all sit out the encounter with Stade Brestois.

Stade Brestois

Alex Dupont has no new injury concerns. Two players continue their rehabiliation from long-term injuries. Brahim Ferradj is out until 2012 with a torn knee ligament. Moise Brou Apanga is out with a damaged knee cartilage and won't be expected back until mid-October.

Auxerre - Marseille Marseille
  • Auxerre commenced their league season with a 3-1 defeat away to Montpellier.
  • Marseille were held to a 2-2 draw against Sochaux, despite an impressive performance by want-away midfielder Lucho Gonzalez.
  • Marseille are unbeaten in their last three league trips to Stade de l'Abbe Deschamps.
  • Loïc Rémy has become the first player to score in six consecutive Ligue 1 appearances for seven years.


Laurent Fournier is without the services of Cedric Hengbert who is nursing a torn ankle ligament and is out for a further three to four weeks. Goalkeeper Olivier Sorin, and forward Yaya Sanogo are also in the physio room. Anthony Le Tallec is suspended for the visit of the 2010 league champions.


Andre Pierre Gignac remains injured, with the forward continuing to recover from an ankle injury. Nicholas N'Koulou also remains doubtful for l'OM.

Evian Thonon Gaillard Evian - NiceOGC Nice
  • Promoted side Evian made a decent start to life in Ligue 1 with a 2-2 draw against Stade Brestois.
  • Nice might've scored the first Ligue 1 goal of the season through Anthony Mounier, but that didn't stop them from a 3-1 defeat against Lyon.
  • Evian TG have won their last five competitive home matches.
  • Les Aiglons have failed to win 17 of their last 18 away league matches.


Bernard Casoni is sweating on the fitness of Olivier Sorlin who is doubtful with an ankle problem. No other injury worries for the promoted side.


Francois Clerc has been ruled out of contention as he recovers from hip inflammation. He joins Kafoumba Coulibaly and Emerse Fae on the sidelines. Renato Civelli is suspended.

Lille Lille - Montpellier Montpellier HSC
  • Champions Lille commenced their title defence in unconvincing fashion, held to a 1-1 draw against Nancy.
  • Montpellier got off to a postitive start in the 2011-12 Ligue 1 season, winning 3-1 against Auxerre.
  • Les Dogues are unbeaten in nine league games, stretching back to a 1-0 defeat to Monaco in April.
  • Younes Belhanda scored the only goal when Montpellier beat Lille 1-0 in February.


Rudi Garcia is without the services of David Rozehnal for the visit of Montpellier. The Czech defender is struggling with a knee problem and isn't expected back for three or four weeks. Tulio de Melo and Laurent Bonnart are the only other injury problems for Les Dogues. Aurelien Chedjou is suspended.


Rene Girard has the luxury of a fully fit squad to take to the Stadium Lille Metropole

Eredivisie Preview - Round 2

Twente - AZ 
  • Twente beat NAC 1-0 last week
  • The home side currently sit fifth in the table
  • AZ recorded a 3-1 home win over PSV on matchday one
  • The 2209 champions sit second in the Eredivisie table
  • Previous meeting: AZ 2-1 Twente
  • PSV were somewhat surprisingly defeated 3-1 last Sunday
  • The Eindhoven giants sit 16th in the table
  • RKC held Heracles to a 2-2 draw on their comeback to the top tier
  • The newly promoted side sit joint sixth in the table
  • Previous meeting: PSV 5-1 RKC
Vitesse - VVV
  • Vitesse failed to impress last week as they were held to a scoreless draw by ADO
  • The Arnhem side are the joint number 10 in the table
  • VVV put in a strong defensive performance against Utrecht to record a 0-0 draw
  • The Venlo club sit joint 10th in the table
  • Previous meeting: Vitesse 2-0 VVV
Feyenoord - Roda
  • Feyenoord won their opening game 2-0 against Excelsior
  • The Rotterdam outfit sit third in the table at the moment
  • Roda recorded a 2-1 comeback win over Groningen last weekend
  • The Limburgers are the league's number four
  • Previous meeting: Roda 3-0 Feyenoord
Heracles - NAC
  • Heracles had to settle for a 2-2 draw against RKC last week after throwing a 2-0 lead
  • The home side are the league's joint number six
  • NAC were narrowly beaten 1-0 by Twente last Sunday
  • The Breda club sit 15th in the Eredivisie table
  • Previous meeting: NAC 1-2 Heracles
Ajax - Heerenveen
  • Ajax recorded a 4-1 win over De Graafschap after falling behind early on
  • The reigning champions currently sit atop of the table
  • Heerenveen had to settle for a 2-2 draw against NEC last weekend
  • Heerenveen are the league's joint number six
  • Previous meeting: Heerenveen 1-2 Ajax
Utrecht - De Graafschap
  • Utrecht put in a disappointing display against VVV as they drew 0-0
  • They sit joint 10th in the Eredivisie table
  • De Graaschap couldn't hold on to their 1-0 lead against Ajax and were beaten 4-1
  • The Gelderlanders sit rock bottom in the table at the moment
  • Previous meeting: De Graafschap 0-0 Utrecht
 Groningen - ADO Den Haag 
  • Groningen were somewhat disappointingly beaten 2-1 by Roda last week
  • The hosts are the Eredivisie's number 14
  • ADO recorded a boring 0-0 draw against Vitesse on matchday one
  • They sit joint 10th in the league table at the moment
  • Previous meeting: Groningen 5-1 ADO Den Haag
NEC - Excelsior
  • NEC recorded a good 2-2 away draw against Heerenveen last weekend
  • Alex Pastoor's men are the league's joint number six
  • Excelsior started the 2011-12 campaign with a 2-0 loss against Feyenoord
  • The Rotterdam side currently sit 17th in the table
  • Previous meeting: NEC 2-0 Excelsior

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13.08. (Sat) 18:30 Newcastle United - Arsenal

Simpson, Coloccini, S Taylor, R Taylor
Gutierrez, Barton, Cabaye, Tiote
Ameobi, Ba

Sagna, Djourou, Vermaelen, Gibbs
Song, Ramsey, Rosicky
Gervinho, Walcott
Van Persie

Steve Harper and James Perch are sidelined with injuries, while Danny Guthrie remains a doubt for this game. Hatem Ben Arfa sustained an ankle injury on the same foot he broke last season, and there appear to be doubts concerning his fitness as well. Joey Barton has been training with the reserves after being placed on the transfer list, and all eyes will be on him if he is picked to start by Alan Pardew.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has confirmed that Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri will not travel with the squad amid reports that they are both primed to leave the club over the course of the weekend. Robin van Persie will undergo a fitness test while Jack Wilshere and Abou Diaby are out through injury but Thomas Vermaelen and Theo Walcott are fit to play.


Arsenal have gone without winning any silverware for six consecutive seasons, with their last triumph being the FA Cup in 2005.

The Gunners have beaten these opponents only three times in the last nine Premier League meetings, with the Tyneside outfit winning twice as the other four ending as draws.

Historically it is the home side that have the upper hand at St James' Park, as they have won 40 of the 77 league games against Arsenal.

Last season, Newcastle rewrote history books by mounting a mammoth comeback after going four-goals down at half-time, to eventually take a point off their opponents with a late Chiek Tiote (pictured right) strike sealing a point.

Robin van Persie scored 18 league goals to put himself as one of the highest goalscorers in the Premier League last season. No other Arsenal player made it into the top 20.

As for the Toon, Andy Carroll left for Liverpool in the winter while Kevin Nolan's 12 goals put him in the top 20. He was sold to West Ham United during the summer.

Newcastle United have lost a fair amount of quality over the summer, while Arsenal will be without Fabregas and Nasri. With both teams devoid of the players who make the difference, a draw could be on the cards.
Editor Prediction
Newcastle 1 -1 Arsenal

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13.08. (Sat) 16:00 Queens Park Rangers - Bolton Wanderers

Orr, Connolly, Gorkss, Hill
Faurlin, Derry
Smith, Taarabt, Campbell

Robinson, Cahill, Knight, Steinsson
Eagles, Reo-Coker, Muamba, Petrov
Davies, Klasnic

Neil Warnock has endured a frustrating summer with owners reluctant to spend and his star player, Adel Taarabt, expressing an interest in moving away from Loftus Road.

The majority of Warnock's dealings have been in the free transfer market as back-up goalkeeper Brian Murphy, striker Jay Bothroyd and former West Ham duo Kieron Dyer and Danny Gabbidon have all been brought in for no fee.

QPR's only outlay in transfers this summer has been on former Blackpool forward DJ Campbell.

Warnock will be buoyed by Taarabt's stay, and the QPR boss will be hoping the Morocco international can propel his side to safety.

Owen Coyle's pre-season preparations were hampered as influential winger Chung-Yong Lee broke his leg during a friendly. One of the Scot's summer signings, Tyrone Mears, suffered the same fate a week ago in training.

Bolton have seen three other arrivals this summer in Chris Eagles, Darren Pratley and Nigel Reo-Coker and all three are in contention of a place in the starting line-up at Loftus Road this Saturday.

Stuart Holden, who resumed training this month after missing five months with a knee injury, is not expected to make the match.


QPR had by far the best defensive record in the Championship last term, conceding 32 goals in 47 games, keeping 25 clean sheets in the process.

Bolton have won once in their last 18 away league outings.

Bolton are unbeaten in their last five meetings against QPR, winning four and drawing one.

Coyle's side committed more fouls (513) than any other team in the Premier League last term.

QPR conceded just two headed goals in the league last season, fewer than any other side.

Editor Prediction 
QPR 2-1 Bolton